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Halal is an Arabic word which means permissible or lawful. In the Holy Quran, God commands Muslims and all of mankind to eat of the Halal things - "O mankind! Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome, and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Lo! he is an avowed enemy of you." (2:168)

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Benefit Of Mango Juice

Mango Juice

Mangos really can make you feel better! Beyond being delicious, juicy and rich in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants, mangos contain an enzyme with stomach soothing properties similar to papain found in papayas. These comforting enzymes act as a soothing digestive aid and can be held partially responsible for that feeling of contentment you experience during and after eating mangos or drinking mango juice.

These proteolytic enzymes break down proteins and are effective meat tenderizers regularly used in tropical countries where mangoes are grown. Other enzymes found in mangos are magneferin, katechol oxidase, and lactase. They protect the mango from insects, and also help humans by stimulating metabolism and purifying the intestinal tract.

Studies have shown that foods containing phenolic compounds have powerful antioxidant, anticancer, and anticardiovascular abilities. Mangoes and fresh mango juice possess the phenols quercetin, isoquercitfin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methylgallat.

In India mangoes are used as blood builders, because of their high iron content. They are suggested for treatment of anemia and are beneficial to women during pregnancy and menstruation. People who suffer from muscle cramps, stress, and heart problems can benefit from the high potassium and magnesium content that also helps those with acidosis.

Refreshing Mango Juice, we all know the importance of fiber in our diets. Research has shown that dietary fiber has a protective effect against degenerative diseases, especially with regards to the heart; may help prevent certain types of cancer, as well as lowering blood cholesterol levels. An average sized mango can contain up to 40% of your daily fiber requirement, and is low in calories, fat and sodium. If you’re physically active, fresh mango juice is a great way to replenish lost potassium. Deliciously rich in anti-oxidants, potassium and fiber - the mango is the perfect fruit, especially when it’s fresh mango juice!

1 comment:

  1. I like eating mango because it is very testy and beneficial for health. Mango is good at getting rid of the blemishes and scars. It is good for skin.

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